Friday, August 12, 2011

Running For Freedom

So a lot has happened since I last posted.  I am running a 5k tomorrow (Saturday) that is raising awareness and funds for the Not For Sale Campaign, the number one organization fighting human trafficking today.  You guys can check them out here: I'm super excited about it! I'm excited to use my passion for running to make a difference.  Anyways, in October I will be running a half marathon in Atlanta, Georgia.  This is also part of my campaign against human trafficking.  I will be sending out support letters/emails shortly in order to raise funds and awareness.  I am terrified as this will be the farthest I have ever run, I have never done support raising before, and I have no idea how I'm going to get to the race.  However, I trust God to provide for me and know that with Him on my side I can do anything.  If you guys are interested in donating to this cause, visit this website and make sure to include my name in the dedication category.  Street GRACE is an organization working to end child exploitation in Atlanta, Georgia, the #10 city in the world for human trafficking! (It is mind-blowing to me that we live in America, the land of the free, and yet we are in the top 10 for slavery hubs).  You guys can check out more about StreetGRACE here: To conclude, I would encourage you guys to use your talents and passions to fight for a cause that you are passionate about.  For me I am passionate about running and ending human trafficking so I prayed and God showed me a way to combine these two passions.  For you it might be something else but I encourage you to use it for God and to make a difference!  If you are interested in fighting human trafficking, use your talents for the cause! God can use anyone for good :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fighting Human Slavery

Dear readers,
I started this blog as I feel lead by the spirit of God to fight against issues of modern day injustice, in particular human trafficking.  I've seen various stats on the problem of human trafficking and the number of people being trafficked is somewhere between 1 and 3 million! This is unbelievably horrible and we all need to come together as a community to stop this evil.  The posts I include on this blog will involve highlighting and updating current news on this issue as well as pinpoint hotspots of trafficking activity.  As I investigate further, I will post resources for anyone who wants to take action such as websites, flyers, posters, fundraising tips, etc.  I would like to invite you all to comment on any ideas you may have or suggestions as I am trying to jumpstart a student organization at the University of Michigan to combat human trafficking.  If you are a student at Michigan and want to get involved, email me at  Hopefully, God can lead all of us on this journey and bring those responsible for human trafficking to justice.